Document set - list or library Forms - missing files

Hi there,
can you help me out with this tricky thing?

  1. I have a document library
  2. I have list of items

When I create/save list of item and then want to edit it, the control "List or Library" shows the document set linked to its parent. The parent is the item list and child is document set.

I see document set, but no files inside :frowning:
See the screenshot.

  1. I see the library linked to its parent in the form
  2. But no files inside

But when I go to the document library:

  1. I see the document set
  2. Click on the document set - I see the files

It means, that List or library control does not work with document sets?
Is there any workaround, how to prepopulate files in folder?
Thank you so much for your help

Anyone with an idea how to make it work?

Hello @Stepan,

I'm sorry, we've missed your post.

The reason for this may be that the documents in the document set are not associated with the parent element. You can either remove the filtration by lookup field:

Or make sure that documents inside the Document set are associated with the parent item.