Documents - Processes Missing from Dashboard

Hi, In the midst of editing my processes, suddenly all of my processes are missing from the console. I can still see that the processes are active, however I can't access and edit them. Is there any advice to retrieve them?


Hello @DanExd,

Please accept my apology for the issue. Our developers are investigating the issue. I'll keep you posted about the results.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi Petr,

Thank you very much for prompt respond and the attention.


Hi @Petr, the same thing is happening to me. Edited and saved a Process this morning and then when I went back to check everything is OK, all my processes are missing from the dashboard.

Hello @DanExd and @garymclaughlin,

We've published a fix. Please check out the Processes list and let us know if there are any issues.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

Hi Petr,

It works now. Thank you very much!


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