Dotted-Line not shown, only the dot to navigate

Dear community,

I'm a bit confused because I wanted to test the Dotted-Line-Manager and it didn't work as expected. I used our Test-Accounts and I added the Dotted-Line-Manager: 'SP_Test_2' to the 'SP_Test_1' User but when I went to the 'SP_Test_2' user I thought that it would show the connection to the 'SP_Test_1' user with a dotted-line but it didn't. The 'SP_Test_1' user was not even visible.


When I went to the 'SP_Test_1' user it only showed me the dot where I can click on and also not the dotted-line.


Can you please tell me how it's possible to show the dotted-lines between the two accounts?

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

I know this is about 4 years old, but I have the same question. Is there a way to show an actual dotted line to the dotted-line manager rather than just a small bubble?


Hi @MartialArt,

Org Chart only displays a small dot in situations where it’s too challenging to draw a direct line to the dotted-line manager (these are all situations where you are looking at dotted-line employee reporting to its direct manager). Unfortunately, it's currently impossible to display the dotted-line managers instead of the dot.

Thanks for the info, not a problem.