Double click on list item url to open the edit form set

Hi @mnikitina,

Is there a way when you click on the item url in the list that the form can open in edit view (edit form set)?


Kind regards,

Hello @Dina_Louw,

Thank you for your patience, I had to consult with the developers.

You can add the code below to the Custom Routing tab. That way, when users open the display form, they will be redirected to the edit form.

if(formType === 'Display'){
    return list.items.getById(itemId).currentUserHasPermissions(2).then(hasEditPermissions => {
        if (hasEditPermissions) {

The edit form is not opening, getting the following error:


I have about 4 form sets, not sure if that is why...


What SharePoint version are you using?

Please share the screenshot of the code so that the version of the designer is visible too.

Hi @mnikitina

I am using SharePoint Online.
Plumsail version:

We could not upgrade/update our version as there are complications and business processes.

Kind regards,


The code I shared won't work for this version. You must either to upgarde to the latest version, or try out adding the following code to JS editor, as the first line (no events, copy and paste):

fd.spForm._formType = "Edit";

What complications have you faced? The upgrade is super easy, please see the instructions here.

Should you have any questions, please post it here or email us at