Edit Border and Color of Tabs

Hello I would like to edit the Bordes and The Background of the Clickable Tabs in a Tab Control.
I dont want to change the hole Container only the Clickable Tabs (Test, Test2 and Test3) as example in the picture.

Here i would like to change colors:

so for example it would look with:
element.style {
.fd-form .nav-tabs .nav-link.active, .fd-form .nav-tabs .nav-item.show .nav-link {
color: #ff0039;
background-color: #3fb618;
border-color: #ff7518 #ff7518 #ff7518;
Like that:
Is this even Archivable ?
Your help is appreciated,


Dear @Paul21,
Sure, you can try CSS code like this, it should do the trick:

.fd-form .nav-tabs {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eee !important;

.fd-form .nav-tabs .nav-link{
    background: #333333;
    color: #fff;
    border: 0px !important;

.fd-form .nav-tabs .nav-link.active, .fd-form .nav-tabs .nav-item.show .nav-link{
    color: #6666FF;
    background: #FFFFFF;

Indeed it did the trick,
thanks alot !

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