Edit SharePoint Metadata in Word

Hello Plumsails Community,

We have a Document library in SharePoint where Documents are Tag through Metadata. New, Editing and viewing is solved, though Plumsails Forms.

If we want to edit metadata through Word (view →properties) his notification appears:

(Eng: Please update your browser. SharePoint and OneDrive use the newest browser technology .....)

Our Browser version, Office (version 2301) and Windows (22H2)is up-to-date

If I delete the Form, I can edit the Metadata through Word again.
What can I do, so I can use Plumsails Form again.
Thanks in advance

Hello @21An,

I'm sorry, I couldn't reproduce this error on my side.

Could you please share how you've set up the word document and exact steps that lead to this error. Also, how do you open the document: in browser or desktop app?

If you could record a short video that would be very helpful.

Hello @mnikitina

I open the document in desktop app. The properties I open like this:

The document is set up in an SharePoint Document library. In the libery columns Managed Metadata

Thanks for your help


Thank you for the details!

I'm sorry, editing SharePoint metadata in Word is not supported right now due to MS Word limitations.

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Ok. Thanks for your help