Error 403 while creating ticket in helpdesk


everytime when I try to create a new ticket I get the following error:

Error making HttpClient request in queryable [403] ::> {"odata.error":{"code":"-2147024891, System.UnauthorizedAccessException","message":{"lang":"de-DE","value":"Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))"}}}

I'm in the editor group and other people who are also in the editor group get the same error when they try to create a new ticket, while people with full access don't have this problem.

Does anyone know what to do?

Thanks, Yücel

Hello Yücel! Please ask your administrator to open the permission level of your group and ensure that it allows creation of new items in lists:

If it is so, please also ensure that there are no unique permissions on the site (you have the same permission level to the whole site). If it is not possible to avoid their usage, please check that you have enough permissions to these SharePoint lists:

  • Tickets,
  • Ticket Statuses,
  • Comments,
  • Tags.

Thank you for your answer.

We have a completely new installation of helpdesk and as a user within the member group I should allready be able to create new tickets.
Why does the administrator needs to give me the permissions or has to add new permissions when I installed it new and I'm logged in as a member. Shouldn't the right options allready been selected when I'm a member instead of a visitor ?

Thanks, Yücel

Yes, it should and it is how it usually works, but we need to ensure that the default settings are not modified on the site to go forth. In addition to the requested information, please check your account permissions on the site and share their screenshot:

It says "Edit" Provided through the the Group "Members of Sitename"

Hello @Evgeniy .

This is a serious problem. It affects absolutely fresh installations.

  1. Installation of Plumsail Helpdesk
  2. Adding a Person to the Site as a member with edit permissions (standard)
  3. The new member can not add new tickets.

--> Why? I think this is the standard flow?

Hi Daniel! Also, I advised to check the settings of the permission level itself. Please open the 'Edit' permissions and check whether it allows adding new items. If it does, check whether the same 'Edit' permissions you have for the 'Tickets' and 'Ticket Statuses' list: you may have unique permissions to them.

Hi Evgeniy,

there ARE unique permissions on a bunch of lists also on fresh installations.

  • Triggers
  • SLA Policies
  • Ticket Status
  • Widget Configuration
  • Scheduler Tasks

On these lilsts only the Owner of the site (full control) and the visitor of the site (read) are listed, due to unique permissions.

Is this correct or are there any bugs? Because it is on every installation of helpdesk the same.

I now can do two things which I have tested and worked:

  1. Add member group to the list (Ticket Status; because this is the affected list) or
  2. delete unique permissions and therefore get the permissions from the site.


I reproduced the issue. For now, you can try to delete unique permissions to the 'Ticket Statuses' list. As I understand, the 'Tickets' list has no unique permissions, right? Then please check whether the member users can create tickets. If they can't please check also the permission level as I advised earlier. Let me know whether it helped.

Hello Evgeniy,

I reproduced the issue. For now, you can try to delete unique permissions to the 'Ticket Statuses' list. As I understand, the 'Tickets' list has no unique permissions, right?

You are right.

Then please check whether the member users can create tickets. If they can't please check also the permission level as I advised earlier. Let me know whether it helped.

I deleted the unique permissions on the Ticket Status list. As soon i did that, the member users were able to create tickets.

So would there be a bugfix in the future?


I have informed developers about the issue and will let you know when we fix it.

We published the fix: after updating the wizard, new installations should be alright.

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