Error in the 'eval' function?


I am getting a new error on my public form, and it appears to be in a function I myself did not include in the JS code for the form. The error text is as follows:

app.js:39 TypeError: Cannot read property '$on' of undefined
at eval (eval at e._executeCustomJavaScript (app.js:39), :320:25)
at app.js:39
at ()
at Function.e.safeRun (app.js:39)
at e. (app.js:39)
at app.js:39
at (app.js:39)
at i (app.js:39)
(anonymous) @ app.js:39

Any idea how I can clear this error? It is not a function that I wrote.

Thanks for the help,
Mike M.

Hello @mmendes,

This error points that the field internal name in the code is invalid.

You can debug your code following the instructions from this post:

Thanks @mnikita, I found the issue with this debugging procedure

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