ErrorCode 400: ApplicationResultException "Could not find the WorkBook or Book stream in the file"

Hi I get this error when i try to use XLS to XLSX converter via PowerAutomate:

"request": {
"url": null,
"traceId": "0HMCFQ10SEVMA12F757232a2d"
"error": {
"code": "ApplicationResultException",
"message": "Could not find the WorkBook or Book stream in the file",
"date": "2021-10-15T12:53:39.6676269Z"

i used a xls file with "Hello World" in A1 Test1.xls (17 KB)

Hello @Niterox,

There seems to be an issue with the specific file. Test1.xls

If I create an xls file in excel app, it's converted fine. I reported the issue with the file to our developers.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

We released a fix that should solve the issue. Please check.

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