Exception: Invalid License


i have a simple workflow that includes a loop that start another workflow each 07:30 AM, however i keep getting the following Error from time to time …

Exception: Invalid License

can you pleas help ?

Hello Ahmad,

Most probably your license has expired.
You can buy the product in our store.

If you want to extend the trial period please write us support@plumsail.com

it is not expired !! it is still valid and not a demo

even the issue is happening from time to time not permanent …


I can suppose that such behavior could occur if you have the license only for one WFE (Web Front End) but you have more that one.

If you need to extend your trial period please write us to support@plumsail.com.
If you have a valid license we can setup screen sharing session to resolve the issue, please write me at rylov@plumsail.com to schedule it.