Export tabs to different worksheets

I'm working on a form that has multiple tabs based on project type. When I export the submissions, they are all on one row. Is it possible to export the data so that each tab is in a different sheet?

Hello @maryweb,

You can force page breaks by adding a CSS class to the first field/control in the tab, e.g. 'page-break' and using the code:

fd.spRendered(function() {
    fd.pdfOptions = {
        forcePageBreak: '.page-break'

Please find more information on how to set up page breaks in Save SharePoint form as PDF article

Thank you for the response! I was able to get that to work for PDF, but not when exporting as an Excel. Is it possible to make each tab a new sheet in Excel when exporting?

Hello @maryweb,

How do you export data to Excel? Are you using 'Export to Excel' button in a list view?

Apologies, my questions haven't been very clear!

I am at the main Forms page for Plumsail where I can see the list of all my forms and I have access to create a new form as well as to the widget, edit and delete options.

When I select the form in question, I have the option to 'export all' data that has been submitted to this form. When this downloads onto my computer it opens as one spreadsheet.

On my form are multiple tabs that correspond to different project types. A user may need to fill out multiple tabs before submitting. When downloading the data, I would like it to populate different tabs depending on the project type. So if a user submits info for A and B, their data will populate on separate worksheets that hold the data for A and B. Is that possible?

Hello @maryweb,

Thank you for the clarification! I thought you are talking about SharePoint forms.

No, you can't split data into tabs when exporting submission as a CSV file. But you can design an excel document where data is taken from the CSV file and displayed in a format you require using Power Query. For instance, display different columns on different sheets, filter by any criteria, or formatted.

You can find more information in Microsoft documentation here and there are many examples and tutorials on the internet.