Export to PDF for Arabic is not working

Hello guys wondering if you can find a solution to export arabic data to pdf.
it is not working i am getting unreadable data
kindly check the attached file

this is my data on form:

i am getting this when i select pdf:

plumsail-form-2019531-114344.pdf (43.4 KB)

Dear @gkhandra,
We’re currently looking into this. Forms export to PDF is handled by Kendo UI draw, and it should be possible to pack fonts for export - https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/drawing/how-to/pack-fonts-for-export

But it seems that Right-to-left text is currently not supported - https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/drawing/drawing-dom#known-limitations

We’ll see what can be done, but it might be best use MS Flow and Plumsail Documents to export all the data to PDF. Like this, but instead of getting info from file, use SharePoint connector instead.