Filter lookup column not work IE

Hi Plumsail,

I used Plumsail form that It have a lookup column that lookup to list A, list A have choice column “Status”. I want filter following status equal “Inprogress” but it not work in IE.
Chrome run ok

My code : fd.field(‘Lookup’).filter = “Status eq ‘Inprogress’”

Please help me


Dear @dat,
Are you sure that you are using both commands to apply filtering?

fd.field('Lookup').filter = "Status eq 'Inprogress'";

Can you, please, send us your code, or perhaps record a video with IE not working? That should really help!

Yes, I am sure that I am using both that commands.

But I missed that my Status choice column have value with Unicode (Đang xử lý, Đã xử lý).

This is my code:

fd.spRendered(function(vue) {
fd.field('Lookup').filter = "Status eq 'Đã xử lý'";

I tried that code with another choice column with choice value that do not have Unicode (New, Completed). It run OK on both IE, Chrome.

This is my code with another choice column:

fd.spRendered(function(vue) {
fd.field('NewLookup').filter = "NewStatus eq 'Completed'";

Please help me,

Dear @dat,
Hmm, I see… Thank you for clarification! If this is the case, please, try to use the following code, it should work:

var filter = encodeURIComponent('Đang xử lý');
fd.field('Lookup').filter = "Status eq '" + filter + "'";

It is ok now.

Thank you so much