Filtered Look-ups


Wondering if someone can advise on this...

We have three lists


The Bookings list has a lookup field of courses, pulled through from the Courses List. And a lookup field to select the instructors set to teach that course.

The Instructor list has a multi-select lookup field linked to the Courses List, to show which courses they can teach.

In the Bookings List, we want to be able to filter the "Instructor" lookup, so only those instructors who can teach that course that has been selected, are shown in the Instructor lookup.

As Courses are a lookup field, they are not available for selection in the "Match To" dropdown.

Is this achievable another way?


Hello @traveller,

'Match to' property doesn't work with luti-select lookup columns. You can filter lookup field using the code, please find instruction in Configure cascading lookup fields on a SharePoint form with JavaScript article.