Form background image


Is it possible to set an image as a background to a form? I'd like to make the form look like it is an open book.

We'd also like to personalise it with an image of the person filling it in. We have pics of each staff member - Is it possible to construct an image name from the name of the current user and load that into an image field?


Hello @Nick.Jones,

You can set the background using CSS code:

.fd-form .container-fluid{
    background: url(

Yes, you can add Image control to the form and change the picture dynamically depending on current user on form load.

fd.spRendered(function() {
    if( _spPageContextInfo.userDisplayName == "Jane Doe") {
        fd.control('Image1').source = 'Image_URL'
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Hi @Margo ,

I tried adding the background image (see thumbnail):

But it seems broken:

What have I done wrong? It's PNG.

Edit: It looks like it's applying that image to each grid - I have nested grids to get the layout I want to for the fields.



You can try out this CSS code:

    background: url(

.fd-form>.container-fluid>.fd-grid, .fd-grid {
    background: none;
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Hi @Margo ,

That's worked better, thanks :blush:, but it's a fixed size - is there any way to make it responsive to the screen/form size?


Hello @Nick.Jones,

You can try out adding this styling:

    background: url(;

But there are different options you can play with.

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Hi @Margo,

I had a play, thanks. This ended up working for me:

    background: url(;
    background-size: 100% 100%;

That keeps the image to the same size as the form, and works with the "two page" view until it gets to mobile size.


Hello @Nick.Jones,

You can use @media CSS at-rule to apply specific styling for mobile devices. Please find more information here:

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