Forms are not loading


The forms are loading very slow. Is there any outage?


We seem to have the same problem, forms are loading unusually slowly.

edit: Nevermind, it seems to be fixed just as I posted my reply, performance is back to normal.

Hello @aseem, @tbauer,

I apologize for the incident. It was a short outage. We are investigating the issue and will let you know what caused it and what our plans are for preventing this in the future.

Everything seems to be order again, thank you.

Just a heads-up, I get a warning from Microsoft Defender for Office 365 that some links to your forum would be malicious for the URLs of the form Don't know if that is something on our end or some global filter from Microsoft.

Thank you for looking into this.

Hi @mnikitina It looks like the form is slow again.



I'm sorry, there was no issue on our side and no similar reports. Are the forms loading as usual now?

Hi @mnikitina it is loading very slow as of now.

Ours are loading extremely slow as well. At first I thought not at all but after about a minute it came up.

I am also having issues with Public forms. I can no longer access them.

When i try to access a public form via mobile i gte "A timeout occured, visit for more info."

"{companyName} Host Error"

Also when i try to browse to it does not load.


Afraid I'm also seeing very long form loading times and very slow designer save times.



@cwalter2, @aseem, @David_Conroy, @abolam,

I apologize for the incident. As of now, the service is available and stable. We are actively investigating the issue and awaiting a detailed report from our technical team. We will keep you updated on our progress.

@cwalter2, @aseem, @David_Conroy, @abolam,

We've investigated the issue, and our technical team has taken appropriate actions to prevent similar issues in the future.

The root cause: unusually high volume of requests caused by a DDOS attack.

Actions taken:

  • adjusted the configuration of the load balancer to give higher priority to authenticated users.;
  • improved the alerting system;
  • added a rate limit for anonymous requests.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you experience any issues. We take even minor incidents seriously to improve our services.

Thank you for the resolution

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