Get id from related item in 2013 task list

I cant find anything for this, i need get item id of related items in form on spRendered (its always only one item) in sharepoint 2013 workflow task list, i can get field as object but i cant access any data in it, everything i try will return undefined.

fd.field('RelatedItems').value - return display value of column "1 related item"
fd.field('RelatedItems') - return "[Object object]"

thank you

Assume you are looking for fd.field('RelatedItems').value.LookupId

Yes, i tried that, but it returning undefined value:

Make sure the field is ready:

  console.log("Related ID: " + field.value.LookupId);

I have run into a problem in the past where lookup fields don't always render properly particularly in a form with a lot of lookups. To verify the value is present and an object I would use the following code:

    if(field.value && typeof field.value != 'object'){
    } else if(field.value && typeof field.value == 'object'){
        console.log("Related ID: " + field.value.LookupId);
    field.$on('change', function(value){
        if(value && typeof value != 'object'){
        } else if(value && typeof value == 'object'){
            console.log("Related ID: " + field.value.LookupId);

Hello @mparis,

RelatedItems field from the Task list type is not supported in Plumsail Forms.

You can use List or Library control instead.

But i still need to get parent ID right? But that is problem because i cant insert it to task item from 2013 workflow. Parent ID is only in relateditems column but i cant get anything from there.

Or am i missing something?
Thank you


Not much we can offer here. Plumsail Forms is designed for Modern UI and it doesn't support RelatedItems field from the Task list and SharePoint 2013 workflows.

You could try using another approach. You can send a link to a form in email; thus, a user will have to follow the link and take action on the form.

So i need to use wsp anyway to get it.

ok thanks