Get taxonomy value of item when using "Get Items" action

Hello. I’m using the “Get Items” action and one of the fields is Managed Metadata (TaxonomyFieldType). I’d like to use the value (I don’t care if it’s the taxId, the text value, etc) but I can’t see how to get it. Assume I’ve only got one item and the column’s static name is “myTaxColumn” I’m trying the following:


Any ideas?

Ok, so because item is a System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary I tried using the Get Items from Dictionary, but I can’t find the right way to do it. Here’s what I’m thinking…

[ul]Get items from “(0)/FieldValues/myTaxColumn” output to “taxDictionary”[/ul]
[ul]Get “(0)/TermGuid” from “taxDictionary” output to “taxGuid”[/ul]


Unfortunately, currently, we don’t support this feature.
We plan to add it in the next release.
Alternatively, I would offer you to buy our support, in that case, we can add the feature during a week.