Get yes/no value from control lookup field

I want hide or show a field based on the value of Yes/No extra lookup control field called "DocumentType".
I want to get the value of his extra fields "Expiration" and "Mandatory"

When I choose a value, I can see the value of Expiration and Mandatory.

I'm using this function in order to hide or show a "Expiration" field of the list.

function setExpiration() {

    if (fd.control('DocumentType').Expiration == true) {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;
    } else {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;

But I can't get the value of extra field "Expiration"

What I'm wronging?

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
You can check it like this:

if (fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration == true) {
    fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;

Keep in mind that the extra values are only retrieved when the value is first selected, they are not stored in the lookup field - so if you open the form again after saving, this value won't be available, unless you store it in some other field on the form.

Hello @Nikita_Kurguzov , thanks for your help.

I'm trying this code:

function filterDocumentTypes() {
    var varCompanyCode = fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').value;
    var varCategoryCode = fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').value;
    var strFilter = "Category_x0020_Code eq '" + varCategoryCode + "' and Company_x0020_Code eq '" + varCompanyCode + "'";
    fd.control('DocumentType').filter = strFilter;

function setExpiration() {
    if (fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration == true) {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;
        console.log('varExpiration true = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);
    } else {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
        console.log('Expiration false= ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);

fd.spRendered(function() {
    fd.field('Title').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').required = true;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Status').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Attachments').required = true;
    fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Title').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Status').hidden = true;

    //retrieve user profile informations {
        fd.field('Title').value = props.givenName;
        fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').value = props.surname;
        fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').value = props.officeLocation;
        fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').value = props.jobTitle;
        fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').value = props.mail;

        fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function() {
        //filter DocumentType when Category changes
        fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').$on('change', function(value){
            fd.control('DocumentType').value = null;
        //filter DocumentType when Company changes
        fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').$on('change', function(value){
            fd.control('DocumentType').value = null;

    // Calling fnz on value changes

    // Calling fnz on form loading

but when I open the form I get these errors.

Then function runs very well.

How I can avoid the error on opening form?
Thank you.

In my case I need the value of this extra field only to drive if the Expiration field must be visible or not.

Sorry @Nikita_Kurguzov , I forgot to comment the call of the function when the form opening.

// Calling fnz on form loading

If I comment this part of code, the script runs well.
What do you think?

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
Yes, I think this is good, you can remove this part - it wouldn't work either way.

@Nikita_Kurguzov Unfortunately the error message persist even if I comment the function on form loading.

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
Try leaving just this:

fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function(control) {

Dear @Nikita_Kurguzov
I'm using this code:

// Calling on value changes
fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function(control) {

// Calling on form loading

But I have the same error.

Seems like the error appear on form loading when the lookup field doesn't has a value.

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
Instead of this:

// Calling on value changes
fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function(control) {

// Calling on form loading

Use just this:

fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function(control) {

Not some other way around - you don't need // Calling on form loading

Dear @Nikita_Kurguzov ,
that lines are commented ( // ).
My code is already like your.

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
Not sure why it's calling it, but in this case, just add an extra condition:

if (fd.control('DocumentType').value && fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration) {
    fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;

Dear @Nikita_Kurguzov,
this is the code with your changes but I've still got the error.

function filterDocumentTypes() {
    var varCompanyCode = fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').value;
    var varCategoryCode = fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').value;
    var strFilter = "Category_x0020_Code eq '" + varCategoryCode + "' and Company_x0020_Code eq '" + varCompanyCode + "'";
    fd.control('DocumentType').filter = strFilter;

function setExpiration() {

    if (fd.control('DocumentType').value && fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration) {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;
        console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);
    else {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
        console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);

fd.spRendered(function() {

    fd.field('Title').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').required = true;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Status').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Attachments').required = true;
    fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Title').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Status').hidden = true;

    //retrieve user profile informations {
        fd.field('Title').value = props.givenName;
        fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').value = props.surname;
        fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').value = props.officeLocation;
        fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').value = props.jobTitle;
        fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').value = props.mail;
        fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function() {
        //filter DocumentType when Category changes
        fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').$on('change', function(value){
            fd.control('DocumentType').value = null;
        //filter DocumentType when Company changes
        fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').$on('change', function(value){
            fd.control('DocumentType').value = null;
    fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function(control) {

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
Not sure, the only place it can be coming from is this line I guess:
console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);

Try removing it or commenting it out. Shouldn't affect anything.

Dear @Nikita_Kurguzov
unfortunately the error persist ;-(
I don't understand which line of code recall Expiration.

Hello @Nikita_Kurguzov
I resolved with this code:

function setExpiration() {
    if (fd.control('DocumentType').value && fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration == true) {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;
        console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);
    } else {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
        console.log('Expiration = false/null');

    // Calling on value changes

I need to know another thing, how I can retrieve extra fields lookup value in Display Mode?
Thank you very much.

I tried with this code but seems that when the form loaded, no one value has been retrivered from the extra fields of the lookup control.

function setExpiration() {
    if (fd.control('DocumentType').value && fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration == true) {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = false;
        console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);
    } else {
        fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
        console.log('Expiration = false/null');

fd.spRendered(function() {

    fd.field('Title').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').required = true;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Status').disabled = true;
    fd.field('Attachments').required = true;
    fd.field('Expiration').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Title').hidden = false;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Code').hidden = false;
    fd.field('Supplier_x0020_Email').hidden = false;
    fd.field('Category_x0020_Code').hidden = false;
    fd.field('Company_x0020_Code').hidden = true;
    fd.field('Status').hidden = false;
    // Calling on form loading

How I can get the extra fields value in Display Mode?
Thank you.

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
I've tested it, no issues, most likely the code is not applying. Try removing the rest of the code for now and test just this:

function setExpiration() {
    if (fd.control('DocumentType').value && fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration) {
        alert('Hide false');
        console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);
    else {
        alert('Hide true');
        console.log('Expiration = ' + fd.control('DocumentType').value.Expiration);

    fd.control('DocumentType').ready(function(control) {

PS. I see that you've already done that.

As for the value not being retrieved on load - this is how it works, it's not saved anywhere by default:

Keep in mind that the extra values are only retrieved when the value is first selected, they are not stored in the lookup field - so if you open the form again after saving, this value won't be available, unless you store it in some other field on the form.

Your only option is to store the extra value in some other field on the form, possibly a hidden one.

Does it possible to execute a query to retrieve the value from the source list?

Dear @stefano.mazzi,
You can get it with pnpjs request - Lookup cannot get extra values unless selected

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