Getting File Name from First Item in Collection

I have a process to create Multiple Worksheets in an Excel Document. I am trying to figure out how to set the name of the file using Tokens, My Json Looks something like:
"Year": "2021",
"Sales": 5000},
"Year": "2021",
"Sales": 3500},
What I want to do is pull the Name and Year from the first item in the collection to set the file name "Steve 2021 Sales.xlsx". but when I use {{Name}} {{Year}} Sales.xlsx I get that exactly (the data in the document works great.

Hello @sphilson,

Are you trying to name worksheets inside an Excel document? If so, then you can try this approach

or the point is to create multiple individual Excel files?

Best regards,
Plumsail team

I have the naming of the worksheets working, but I am trying to get the naming of the actual Excel File to work.

Hi @sphilson,

Do you have the tags {{name]} and {{year}} in the excel template? For example, I used the file with worksheets from the mentioned example and I can use the tokens in the file name


You can select any tag from the excel template and use it in the file name.

Best regards,
Plumsail team