Grant permission - The 'principal' argument cannot be null


I am trying to create a workflow that creates a library, and then sets the permissions on the library. The workflow successfully creates the library, but I run into a problem when granting the permissions. It successfully removes all permissions, and applies the first permission in the workflow, but never completes the rest of the workflow. It doesn't seem to matter the order of the grant actions; it never completes after the first set of permissions are applied.

Workflow history reports Exception: The 'principal' argument cannot be null.

I am thinking the first grant action is causing the exception, even though the permissions are applied, because I've attempted other actions such as email or log to history as the next step, but I don't see any evidence they are run.

If anybody can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.


I changed the ThrowError property to ‘No’ for the grant actions and it now is able to grant the permissions successfully without terminating the workflow.

There doesn’t seem to be any negative effect other than the exception showing in the workflow history, but if there is a way to eliminate the exception, I’d love to hear it.