Hiding fields based on multi choice on page load

Im using the following code to hide sections that are not required based on the multi selection in the 'AreasAffected' field:

    fd.field('AreasAffected').$on('change', function (props) {


        for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
            //show fields if the option is selected
            switch (props[i]) {
                case 'HSE':

                case 'Facility':

                case 'Drilling':
                case 'Wells':
                case 'Operations':

Code works well, I just need it to apply/refresh when the page loads on the 'edit' view, as it doesn't hide/show the selected values until something changes (which I understand is due to the $on('change' function), just can't work out how to trigger it on page load to initially apply.

Dear @Jaydius,
You can move the code inside of a function, and run it on change, but also when the form first loads. Similar to this - Work with web form fields using JS on Plumsail Forms (public forms) — Public web forms

What would I need to change the opening line to, to allow this to work? I tried putting it inside of a function, but didn’t seem to make a difference.

fd.field('AreasAffected').$on('change', function (props) {

Dear @Jaydius,
Something like this should work:

function showHideFields(){
        var props = fd.field('AreasAffected').value;

        for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
            //show fields if the option is selected
            switch (props[i]) {
                case 'HSE':

                case 'Facility':

                case 'Drilling':
                case 'Wells':
                case 'Operations':

fd.field('AreasAffected').$on('change', showHideFields);

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Works perfectly! Thank you so much for your help.