Hint Field disappeared on Drop down menu's - HELP!

During the recent update, Hint Is no longer visible on any drop-down menus. We use this extensively across our business, and leaving it as is will mean updating a significant number of forms.

Can you advise if this was intentional or a glitch?

Hi @Alex_Stephen,

This is a bug, and we're working on a hotfix. Hopefully, it will be out tomorrow. There's no need to edit any of the forms.

Thanks @IliaLazarevskii

Hello. I would like to add that this bug also seems to breaking onReady handlers for the drop down controls linked to Excel spreadsheets. For example, this call to initPeopleList() never seems to get called now:

    fd.field('PeopleLookup').$on('ready', ()=>{

This has rendered several of our forms unusable currently.

Thanks for listening!

Hi @chs-web, @Alex_Stephen,

The hotfix is out. Let me know if the issue is resolved.

I can see hints in the drop down controls now, but the onReady behavior has not changed. The event never seems to fire.

Perhaps this is a separate issue? Is there anything I can do to provide more details / assistance?

All good from this side - Thanks

Hi @chs-web,

This is a weird issue, we're not sure why the code was working before. The correct way to do this would be this:

fd.field('PeopleLookup').ready(() => {

Here's an example for a different field type, but the function is the same.