I’m currently testing Plumsail HelpDesk for SharePoint 2016 and I noticed that regular users belonging to Members group have access to All Tickets view and can read tickets submitted by other users.
How can I restricted non-agent users access both All Tickets view (/Lists/Tickets/AllTickets.aspx) or view tickets submitted by other users (via URL copy and paste)?
Any user that has access to Help Desk site can see everything that allow their permissions.
If you want specific users to see only tickets created by themselves, you should restrict their access to HelpDesk site using standard SharePoint permissions (Site Settings -> Site Permissions) and place our web widget to another SharePoint site. HelpDesk web widget is an entry point for non-agent users and help desk is a workspace for agents. The widget allows requesters to review their tickets, add comments and attachments.
I tried the widget webpart and it appears to be more of a proof-of-concept function to me. I’m not sure about the potential to customize the widget. Also the widget sometimes would fail to show tickets. When that happened I noticed I would need to log off current user from SharePoint and log back in again if I don’t want to close the browser.
The alternative I’m testing at this time is to modify existing ticket view and use the combination of SharePoint target audience, list filters and/or CSS.
If couldn’t find documentation on your site regarding modifying the widget (for SharePoint 2016/2019).
If such documents exists, could you please point out where to view the information?
Unfortunately, it’s not yet possible to customize HelpDesk widget forms on-premises.
We will add this functionality in a few months for SharePoint 2019 only after releasing a new version of HelpDesk for SharePoint 2019. It uses Forms for customization. Forms are available for 2019 only.