How to call fixConnectionLines using boxRenderer?

I am using version 2.2.1 which I think is the last one.


The new version provides renderer object which contains most of the functions.

For example to subscribe for boxRendered event you need to put following code inside JavaScript Editor.

renderer.onBoxRendered(function(event, box, itemData){ //Box rendered event });

You can call renderer.fixConnectionLines at any location inside JavaScript editor.

Which one is the “new” version? We have 2.2.1.


Possibly my reply wasn’t clear. The new version is current major version 2.*. It is new major version, you need to use renderer object as a main object in JavaScript framework instead of $. jQuery as $ is still accessible and you can use it. The new version is not fully documented yet. So, do not hesitate to ask any questions here about the framework.