How to change default error message for required field?


I am trying to change the default error message on a form to say something custom rather than "This field is required".

Is there anything I can do?



Hello @ProfessorProton12,

Welcome to Plumsail Community!
You can use this code to change the default message:

fd.created(() => {
    fd.messages.RequiredValidator_Error = "Some new text."

Please learn more in Form Manager of public web forms article.

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Hi mnikitina, thanks for this.

This is working well but does not give me the ability to control specific error messages on different fields since it's a global property.

Is there anyway to specific specific fields?

Thank you.


You can add custom validation to each field with individual error messages using the code:

fd.rendered(() => {
        name: 'Custom validator',
        error: 'My custom error message',
        validate: function(value) {
            if (!value) {
                return false;
            return true;

Thank you for this solution. When I input the code it seems to be overlapping with the Global property of the error message:

This is the code I have implemented:

Do you have any idea why this could be?

Thank you!


Do you make field required in the designer?

Make it optional when using the code:

fd.rendered(() => {
        name: 'Custom validator',
        error: 'My custom error message',
        validate: function(value) {
            if (!value) {
                return false;
            return true;
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