How to get term set properties?

With regards to Term Store I have 2 questions:

  1. How can we read properties of termstore entry?

    For example from above I wish I read all those properties (CompanyNumber, DeptName, Manager).

  2. How can I read list of all existing terms in group?

I tried to find it in PNPJS documentation, so I followed Taxonomy - PnP/PnPjs which describes that it should be possible to read list of terms in group like this list[] = await pnp.sp.termStore.groups(), but no luck :frowning:


Dear @Marcin,
Unfortunately, the taxonomy module is not included in Forms. Good news is that you can just use REST API to access Taxonomy terms - Querying SharePoint Term store with REST API and Iā€™m not joking.. | by ankit girgas | Medium

OK. Thanks.
Have you ever measured or read somewhere which way is faster to retrieve data: use Term Store via API or use Lists via API?


Dear @Marcin,
No, we didn't run the tests, and I am not 100% certain. I would assume that the lists are faster, but it depends on factors, such as how big is the list, etc.