How to import plumsail forms v2 content into plumsail forms v3

How to import plumsail forms v2 content into plumsail forms v3

Dear @jyou,
What do you mean by v2? Modern UI forms? Then they should be imported automatically when you connect to the right list. Does this not happen?

i used the old plumsail editor to create the content. new we have the new editor. can I import the old xfds file into the new plumsail editor?

Dear @jyou,
Files are not imported directly, but if you connect to a list which has customized forms in v2, they will automatically be converted to v3 - you can work with them and save them in v3.

For example, if you have an old form you want to import, you can import and save it in the old v2 editor, then open the same list in v3 and edit the old form.