How to stop trailing zeroes from being removed from whole number when sending to Power Automate

Sorry if this is a basic question - I'm quite new to both Plumsail and Power Automate.

I have an invoice form that contains a Data Table for adding products. I was able to use the documentation here to automatically calculate line totals and grand totals successfully.

My form submission is then converted to HTML, then from HTML>PDF using Power Automate and Plumsail Documents.

This is all working fine, except that trailing zeroes are being removed when the calculated fields result in exact whole dollar amounts. For example $50.00 (as seen in the form) is rendered as $50 in the JSON output that arrives in Power Automate. To be clear, this is not an issue when the decimals are not 00 (eg. 123.45 renders correctly)

Is it possible to force the Plumsail output to show 2 decimal places, even if they are .00?

Hello @clemmalina,

Welcome to Plumsail Community!

Since numbers are submitted as numbers, .00 are removed.

To keep the formatted number you can save it to a separate text field and it will be submitted as a string: $50.00