Image copy & paste from Outlook

Hi again,

I got an information from my users that it seems not be possible to paste an image from the installed Outlook application to the HelpDesk form.
When they copy a random picture from a received e-mail and copy it into the Answer they get this view:

Is that a known issue?
Are we doing something wrong with the locally installed Outlook?

This is also quite strange, because when the image is saved (e.g. on desktop) and then copied (CTRL +C & CTRL + V) then it works.
Also the "empty window" seems to be the same size as the expected image.

Hello Torsten! I reproduced the issue and will consult with developers regarding this.

Just let me know if you have any updates.

Alright, Torsten. For now, one of the developers is actively working on this. Once there is any result (positive or negative), I will inform you.

We released the fix of this bug, please clear the browser cache and check whether it is resolved for you.