Installing ORG Chart 2.3.13

Hello - I am trying to install Plumsail Org Chart 2.3.13 and upon a System check I get an error on SharePoint Foundation /Service is NOT installed! I have tried to install on all my servers.

I have two SPAPP servers, SPCACHE servers, SPWEB servers and a SPSQL server. I am running SharePoint 2016.

Thanks for your help!


Hello @nimdatx,

Could you please try WSP installation? It works better for some users. There will not be any difference in functionality.

Best Regards,
Anna Dorokhova
Plumsail Team

I have tried to use WSP Install, however upon opening Admin SharePoint 2016 Management Shell - I receive The local farm is not accessible. Cmdlets with FeatureDependencyId are not registered. I still attempted to run Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath C:\OrgChart\Plumsail.OrgChart.wsp

I received a ‘Cannot access the local farm’

I attempted to do a Add-SPShellAdmin -username DOMAIN\YourUser

No luck. Not sure if I am using the correct accounts. Which accounts do I need? I am a domain admin.

HI @nimdatx,

The user has to be a farm admin.

Best Regards,
Anna Dorokhova
Plumsail Team