Integrate Filepicker.aspx


I love the "list or library" control on my Plumsail form.
Something I miss- however- is the ability to move/copy files from one folder to another folder.
Digging further to this, I want to (re-)use out-of-the-box "filepicker.aspx" from SharePoint online. Found some information on
OneDrive File Picker - OneDrive dev center | Microsoft Learn

However, not being a "real" developer, it's a huge step for me to integrate this option.
So, maybe some kind person can provide me with some sample code... :wink:

Main idea:

  • you make a selection of documents and/or folders in the "List or Library" control
  • a button "move/copy" appears on the "fd-sp-datatable-toolbar"
  • clicking on this button, a popup window appears with the oob "_layouts/15/FilePicker.aspx" from sharepoint online
  • you select a folder
  • the popup closes and your selected files/folders will be moved to the selected folder in the FilePicker

Has anybody already achieved this?
And,... in that case, can you share your code?

Kind regards


Hello @bartplessers,

We can offer paid support for adding the ability to move/copy files to folders via List or Library control. If you are interested, please email us at