Is there a format in word for DateTime fields

We are using salesforce and one of my clients fields is date time. They want to write to people saying the hearing is on d MMMM yyyy and starts at hh:mm.

Happy to add the field twice, but with different formatters. :format(d MMMM yyyy) just gives the date and time as a single string 30/08/24 11:00:00 which the client hates

Hi @PhillSkill,

If I add this token to my template:

Date: {{date}:format(d MMMM yyyy)}

And then apply the JSON

	"date": "2024-04-21"

I get this result.


So it formats the date.

Could you share your template example and the data sent to the template?

If you're using processes, you can also set Locale in the process settings:

Best regards,
Plumsail team