Is there a way if we can have option in plumsail forms to upload attachment like we have in Sharepoint Rich Text Control in classic mode form

Is there a way if we can have option in plumsail forms to upload attachment like we have in Sharepoint Rich Text Control in classic mode form.

Thanks in advance.

RichText upload
RichText upload Issue2

Hello @sanjayvenkateswaran,

In Modern UI, enhanced rich text column type doesn't support uploading files.

Thanks I do understand. What about classic experience. any solution on trying plumsail forms with classic experience.


We do have Forms Designer for Classic UI.

What are the specific requirements for using this functionality? When uploading a file into multiline text, you must select the document library in which the file will be saved:

In Plumsail Forms for Modern UI, you can use List or Library control to upload files to a document library and make files connected to the list item using lookup field. You can find more information here.