Issue with dropdown selection

Hi, and thank you for opening my ticket.

I'm having an issue with Plumsail Form Dropdowns, where if users select the first option in the dropdown list, and try to proceed in the form, it will not recognise the item that has been selected, and will deem the field empty.

I should say the field is linked to an Excel spreadsheet, so could be in conjunction with my previous ticket.

It seems this issue only occurs when the first item in the dropdown is selected, and the user tries to proceed. If the user selects another option, and then switches to the first, it seems to work also.

Do you know what is going on?

Hi @ProfessorProton12,

This might be caused by a corrupted JSON layout. Could you export the form and send the JSON file to
Was the issue from the previous thread resolved?

Hi, yes I believe the previous thread was resolved.

I believe a colleague of mine sent you the JSON, which was reported to be fine?

But we are still experiencing this issue unfortunately, is there anything we can do?

Thank you.

Hi @ProfessorProton12,

Yes, the JSON we received had the correct formatting. This means that the issue might be on our side, we're looking into this.