Keep getting error for Merge PDF

I am using Power Automate and following the example for Merge PDF. I keep getting this error. Any idea on what I need to look for to fix? I have reviewed by flow and it seems to match the example.

Hi @jbird75 ,

Could you share screenshots with the flow in Edit mode?

Most likely the array with PDF files is incorrect: empty content, no PDF files inside or something.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

First I am converting a couple of word templates into PDF.
Then I append them to the array for the file merge.

The flow works up until it gets to Merge PDF.
thank you

Hi @jbird75,

This page of the action is for merging individual PDF files, not arrays.

Switch the action page to the array field:

And select the array:


Run the flow again and let us know the results.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

That did it! I thought I had tried that, but obviously I did not. Thanks for the help!

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