Limit submissions on public forms


Our team has recently finished creating a public form for job applications. A concern came up about the potential for someone to spam applications. Is there a way to limit submissions by IP address within a certain time frame? Or how can we secure the form from malintent?


Hi @EHaya,

The simplest way to prevent spam is to only allow authenticated users to access the form:

You can also only allow one response per user.

This is not quite as effective as an IP restriction, but it's more than enough for most cases. Let me know if this works for you.

Hm, the issue is because it's a job application, it needs to be public so those accessing from our website or other sources are able to submit. They wouldn't be part of any idp that we have.

Hi @EHaya,

A form that only allows authorized users to make submissions would be accessible to anyone as long as they have a Microsoft account. You could limit it to certain user groups, but that's optional.