List Control and Permissions

Hi I am using a List Control to display list data to users. The users have item level access only on the items that refer to them.

When the list though using a specific user the control says "You do not have permission to view this list" but when the user access the list directly in SP the list shows all the items the user has access too.

Hello @geolouca,

Which version of SharePoint are you using: Online or On-Premises?

Could you please share the screenshot of the error so I could have the full picture.

Thank you!


We are using Sharepoint Online.

I am accessing the List control with a Display Form and giving a fixed Item Id as per screenshot below:

The result is as follows:

The first two Lines, First Name and Last Name show correctly but the List Control gives no permission as per below:


Also below the screenshot from the Designer.


Hello @geolouca,

What version of the app package are you using?
Please make sure you are using the latest version of the app package, which is 1.0.8. You can find the instructions on how to Update the app package here .

After the update, you might need to re-save the form using the latest version of the designer (1.7.2).

Also, are you using any code in the form, for instance for filtering items in List or Library control? Could you please share it.

Hello @mnikitina,

I updated the app package as per your request but I am still getting the same error. I should note that I have updated the form and I am using tab control (on top of the list control). As you can see from the screenshot it works just fine on the individual fields inserted in the tab control but the list control still gives you do not have permission to view this list.

Hello @geolouca,

Are you using any code in the form, for instance for filtering items in List or Library control? Could you please share it.

What is the permission setting for the list and for specific items? Please share the screenshot so I could reproduce the same behavior on my side.