List Control Columns are very small on Form Load

When I open a form my list controls start out very condensed. Most of them automatically resize but there seems to be one list that consistently does not. Has anyone else experienced anything similar.

This is what is looks like after the fields are expanded:

The only Sharepoint related error I get is this, but I have had this one for as long as I have been viewing the console:

I also experience the same issue. I find it's apparent when you have several list/library controls on the form. By manually refreshing the control, the rendering issue is gone but this shouldn't be required if it rendered correctly on form load. A fix would be appreciated!

Dear @cwalter2 and @stormanh,
Thank you for the report! Yes, indeed, there is an issue that we're currently working on!

Resizing columns takes time: the data needs to be retrieved first, and only then the columns take on the right size. Good thing is that after the first time the widths get cached, so the second time, and the third, and any other time after that shouldn't have this noticeable delay (at least until the cache is cleared).

The problem is that in some cases resizing doesn't happen, and users need to refresh, which is definitely not a good experience. We're not sure yet why this happens and how to replicate it, though our developers are working on finding and fixing it for good.

If any of you could share access to a form where this behavior could be replicated, please, contact us at - this would be very helpful to speed up the release of a fix! Don't send an invite straight away though, first send a message describing the issue with a link to this community thread.