ListURL parameter in "Get Items by Query"


Hoping someone might be able to point out an error or maybe share some sample config text.

I’m trying to look up an item on a different site using “Get Items by Query”.

The documentation makes reference to setting a SiteUrl parameter, but it doesn’t seem to take for me.

In designer, I don’t see a separate place for parameters, so I’m assuming that the SiteUrl paramter should be added to the Filter section? There, I’m adding:

SiteUrl eq site1name and ID eq 1857

I’ve tried it:

  • with quotes around it and the space character.
  • with the space converted to %20, both with and without quotes.
  • with the list name similarly entered with both space and $20 characters

All to no luck… Any suggestions?

Thanks a bunch in advance for any help or code samples!

:)Ben … s-by-query


Please right click on the workflow action and select properties.
In the properties window, you fill find SiteUrl option.

Thanks, Roman!

I added the url to that section in the properties, but alas it is still not returning anything.

Couple other questions:

1 - if it is the root site, should I put just “/”, or leave blank, or put the full domain name, and if so should it have the trailing forward slash, e.g. “

2 - what if there are spaces in the URL, or in the list name? Do they need to be encoded? e.g. “ Site” or “

3 - does it need to be enclosed in quotes, braces, brackets? E.g for list name, [(“My Document Library”)]?

4 - what if the list name has changed since it was created? E.g. if it was created as MyDocumentLibrary, then renamed to My Document Library?

5 - same question for the filter section, e.g. what if a field has spaces, was renamed?

So sorry if this is explained in the documentation somewhere and I just missed it!

Thanks again,