Hoping someone might be able to point out an error or maybe share some sample config text.
I’m trying to look up an item on a different site using “Get Items by Query”.
The documentation makes reference to setting a SiteUrl parameter, but it doesn’t seem to take for me.
In designer, I don’t see a separate place for parameters, so I’m assuming that the SiteUrl paramter should be added to the Filter section? There, I’m adding:
SiteUrl eq https://mycompanyname.sharepoint.com/parentsite/sub site1name and ID eq 1857
I’ve tried it:
with quotes around it and the space character.
with the space converted to %20, both with and without quotes.
with the list name similarly entered with both space and $20 characters
All to no luck… Any suggestions?
Thanks a bunch in advance for any help or code samples!
I added the url to that section in the properties, but alas it is still not returning anything.
Couple other questions:
1 - if it is the root site, should I put just “/”, or leave blank, or put the full domain name, and if so should it have the trailing forward slash, e.g. “https://mycompanyname.sharepoint.com/”