Lookup and people picker appears as a link in form


Is there a way to disable the hyperlinks from the Lookup and People Picker field in the form ?

Thank you !!

Hello @Vasilii_Burca,

Is that a Display Form?

You can display just the value of the field without hyperlink using Plain text control.

For this, add Plain text control to the form.


Enter the internal name of the field in square braces in Plain Text control settings >> General >> Text.

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Display and edit. Does it work on edit as well ?

I just tested out. Works as always like a charm )

Thank you @mnikitina !

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Hello @mnikitina,

I have another problem similar to the one listed above.

  1. I have a control (Library) that is inline editing mode, can you please tell me how to disable a specific field when editing an element ?
  2. And I have the same problem as above with links in the list control in User column and some lookup columns, how can I make them as Text ?

Thank you !

Hello @Vasilii_Burca,

  1. You can disable any field in inline editing mode using this code:
    fd.control('SPDataTable1').$on('edit', function(editData) {
        editData.field('Title').disabled = true;

You can find more information about how to work with List or Library control in inline editing mode in this article.

  1. You can customize view of columns in List or Library control. E.g. to remove the link from lookup value add this code to the form:
 fd.control('SPDataTable1').templates = {
        // LookupColumn is the column name
        LookupColumn: function(ctx) {
            var value = ctx.row.LookupColumn;
            if (!value) {
                return '';
            return value.map(function(v) {
                    return v.lookupValue;

Please find more details in How to customize view of columns in List or Library control article.

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Hello @mnikitina,
I tried as you suggested, but it does not work. Can you please tell me what I am missing?
Thank you!

fd.spRendered(function () {

fd.control('SPDataTable1').templates = {
    // LookupColumn is the column name

    Descriere_x0020_Solicitare_x0020_Soft: function (ctx) {
        var value = ctx.row.Descriere_x0020_Solicitare_x0020_Soft;
        if (!value) {
            return '';
        return value.map(function (v) {
            return v.lookupValue;


fd.spRendered(function () {

fd.control('SPDataTable1').$on('edit', function (editData) {
    //check that this is a new record
    editData.field('Descriere_x0020_document').disabled = true;



Do you see any errors in the browser console(F12)? Please sahre the screenshot.

Thank you!

Hello @mnikitina,

Sorry for the long response time.


This is a screen shot of Display Mode notice the ID Solicitare Soft field is stil a link

here is the code:

fd.spRendered(function () {

fd.control('SPDataTable1').templates = {
    // LookupColumn is the column name

    Descriere_x0020_Solicitare_x0020_Soft: function (ctx) {
        var value = ctx.row.Descriere_x0020_Solicitare_x0020_Soft;
        if (!value) {
            return '';
        return value.map(function (v) {
            return v.lookupValue;


The field ID Solicitare Soft is still editable the form is in Edit mode.

fd.spRendered(function () {

fd.control('SPDataTable1').templates = {
    // LookupColumn is the column name

    ID_x0020_Solicitare_x0020_Soft: function (ctx) {
        var value = ctx.row.ID_x0020_Solicitare_x0020_Soft;
        if (!value) {
            return '';
        return value.map(function (v) {
            return v.lookupValue;


fd.spRendered(function () {

  fd.control('SPDataTable1').$on('edit', function (editData) {
    //check that this is a new record
      editData.field('ID_x0020_Solicitare_x0020_Soft').disabled = true;



Hello @Vasilii_Burca,

I've clarified this with my colleagues, and for now, this code works only in SharePoint Online. I'm sorry for confusing you.

As a workaround, you can use List or Library control in the Dialog editing mode and hide those columns from the list view.

Hi @mnikitina

has anything been changed here? Since some time the workaround doesn't work anymore and in the display form appears "undefined" instead of the value.

Thanks for your help,

Hello @Hagrid,

What SharePoint version are you using? What workaround have you been using?

Hi @mnikitina
sorry, i forgot to link your answer.
I mean the one with plain text and and [Lookup].

We are using Sharepoint Online.

Hello @Hagrid,

Thank you for noticing that!

I've passed the information to developers, they'll fix that soon.


We've published a fix. Please clear the browser cache and test.