Make external rest call from forms

I think that PnP JS includes the ability to make an external call however the guidance for this is in TypeScript (although I guess I can uncompile that from an SPFX web part).

I thought I'd ask here to see if anyone has an easy way to do this from within Forms - or would you still use AJAX/jQuery to do this? I'm looking at triggering some Logic Apps to carry out some automation from forms.

Hello @abolam,

Could you please share more details about what you want to achieve.

Thank you!

Hi Margarita, I'm trying to trigger an Azure Logic App from a Plumsail form - from a button.

I can do this with a simple AJAX POST REST request but I was wondering if there is anything in the PnP-JS library that will allow me to do this?

The Logic App trigger is and has to be 'When an HTTP trigger is received' as I also want to pass metadata in the body of the request.

Not urgent as I can do this with another method, but wasn't sure if PnP would be a better approach?


The best and the easiest approach is to use jQuery, post method:

Yep, that's what I was doing so will press on with that if it's the best way. Thanks :slight_smile:

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