Make Plumsail Form Web Part accessible as a full width web part in SharePoint Online

Can you enable the Plumsail Forms Web Part so that it can be placed in the "full-width" column in a SharePoint Online site please?

Use web parts with the full-width column | Microsoft Docs

With this setting enabled, when you edit a page with a full-width column layout, your web part will be displayed among the web parts that can be added to the column.


Dear @stormanh,
Thank you for the feedback! That does sound like something that should be possible and it's very likely to appear in the future. The task is in our roadmap, as soon as our devs get to it - it will be available!

If you want to speed up the process, as always, we can evaluate how much time it will take to implement, and offer paid support to shift priority to this task. Contact us at if you're interested!

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