Merge PDF not working as shown in example

I'm following the exmaple at How to merge PDF files in Power Automate (Microsoft Flow), Azure Logic Apps, and PowerApps — Plumsail Documents

When I get to adding the Merge PDF action, I'm not able to add the files array in the "Content of PDF documents".

I tried another method in which I have the Merge PDF in the apply to each. This creates a file from the merged PDFs, but I cannot use the Merge PDF result in any actions outside the apply to each.

Any other Merge PDF examples available?

Hello @widpiplumsail,

Make sure to click on the button

then you should be able to add the array. Probably you add it to the field for individual PDF files.

Best regards,
Plumsail team

That worked perfectly! Thank you. You may want to update the article to indicate that. What an great way to split a PDF and merge back.

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nice Post i looking for same

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Hi @michel295,

Give it a try and let us know if there are any issues.

Best regards,
Plumsail team