Multiline History not showing

Hi Plumsail-Team

I have a small Problem in the Forms in using on the SharePoint Subscription Edition.

I have created a multi-line Field which should have the Option to append all the records written in there.

But in the Form it does not show any entries of this Field even though it has entries.

We use SharePoint Subscription Edition.

Kind regards,

Dear @Dario_Chiga,
What's the version of the editor that you currently have?

Hi Nikita

The version is 1.8.7.

Dear @Dario_Chiga,
That's strange, but first try to upgrade the server side solution and most importantly, the app package in the app catalog, then re-save forms in the editor. Here's a guide - Update Plumsail Forms On-Premises solution — SharePoint forms

If it doesn't help - let me know!

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