Multipleline value

Hellno @Nikita_Kurguzov and @mnikitina ,

I am stuck with a very annoying problem. I have a Formset where there is literally one SharePoint multiline field 'Comment'.

When I want to read the value of this field, I always get null back.

I have tried deleting this field and creating it again in SharePoint. I have deleted all JS from the formset.
Not top of this, when I console log on the field value, i see that this formset always executes twice.

Could you please have a look at this asap!

Thanks in advance.

Dear @asmita_adh,
Not sure what's going on, but you're clearing the value in your code before accessing it, so this definitely doesn't help.

Why are you using fd2 instead of fd? Is it opened in dialog? Try to open the form in full screen, remove the code other than
window.fd = fd;
then input some value, and check what the value is. You can record a short video as well.

Hi @Nikita_Kurguzov,

The clearing was indeed not necessary. What is still not clear to me is that why the field is still not cleared.

I am indeed using fd2 because this part of the form opens in the dialog. Another thing that is unclear is why the code is executing twice?

Dear @asmita_adh,
Not sure, this needs to be thorougly tested - can you send us all the code for testing? We'll try to reproduce the issue on our end. If nothing works, we'll need to look at the form exports.

Hi there,

I was able to figure out what the problem was. It had nothing to do with the form but the content editor in the page. Thanks a lot for your effort still.

Regards :blush:

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