Mutliselect dropdown is jumping

I have a request from people if they can choose for example 10 or more values without the field being autoclosing. I have tried this code:

  fd.control("vInformovani").$on("change", function (val) {
    fd.control("vInformovani").widgetOptions = {
      autoClose: false,

It works quite fine, but sometimes the data field shows "loading..." instead of populating the values.
When I choose first 5 values it is okay until I scroll a bit down to the bottom values.
When I scroll to the middle and choose some value from the view that is more on the bottom, it jumps very fast to the selected value. Is there ani possibility to prevent jumping in the view and keep it more fluid?

Just scroll down to some value and "mark" it without closing the view and jumping from value to other value.
Thank you so much,

Have you tried using the .ready() method?

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Wow, thank you so much. I would not expect that behaviour with .ready() method.
Final working code:

    .then(function (val) {
      fd.control("vInformovani").widgetOptions = {
        autoClose: false,

Perfect, I hope it helps other people.

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No worries, it was merely a guess! I'm a noob at JavaScript but learning from the best @Nikita_Kurguzov & @mnikitina!