Navigate to different form depending on Drop Down value


I am really knew to this tool and trying to learn how to use it. I have been reading about this entire day but I can't find anything that would guide me correct way. I have a form with few fields in it, after I select Drop Down I need to navigated to another form which has the rest of the fields to input. Would this be possible to achieve?

Dear @Lukas_Sliuzas,
Okay, what about the content on this form, should it be saved or just redirect user without saving the form? If it needs to be saved, but some required fields are missing, what to do then?

Also, maybe open another form in dialog? Or in full screen?

Hello @Nikita_Kurguzov ,

Sorry for late response as I had to focus on other issues.

Content from that form has to be saved and transfered and user redirected to another screen/form to fill in last required information. If required fields missing user can't navigate/submit the form

Dear @Lukas_Sliuzas,
You can try something like this, it should work (at least in full page mode, maybe not in panel):

fd.field('Status').$on('change',function(value) {
        if(value == "Resolved"){
            fd.spSaved(function(result) {
                var listId = fd.spFormCtx.ListAttributes.Id;
                var itemId = result.Id;

                //replace "" with path to your site
                //PageType=6 means Edit Form
                result.RedirectUrl =
                    + listId + "&ID=" + itemId;

Based on code from this article - Redirect users after submitting a SharePoint form — SharePoint forms


My form won't be integrated in sharepoint at all. It will be just running as a plumsail form

Dear @Lukas_Sliuzas,
Okay, then this would work:

fd.rendered(function () {
    fd.field('Status').$on('change',function(value) {
        if(value == "Resolved"){
            fd.saved(function(result) {
                window.location.href  = '';

Just change the URL to the URL of your form.