Hi Dear Plumsail Team
I have a small problem with a Form i made.
We have 6 Users who work with this Form all on Edge and on some the form opens normally when clicking on new but for a few users the forms opens but the controls do not load.
They see the labels but not the fields where they can put in the value.
it's strange that on some it works normally and for other it doesn't.
Do you have any idea what this may cause ?
Kind regards,
> listviewdataprefetch.js?rev=A6LUlbme97qSbMp8wIRV5A%3D%3DTAG0:1 Not one page nav, startPrefetch
> spoapp.js?rev=IvZ48GpiF71WdoBcpaVXmg%3D%3DTAG0:82 Initialized ClientSideExtensionHelper
> spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> The icon "groupeddescending" was used but not registered. See http://aka.ms/fabric-icon-usage for more information.
> u @ spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> The icon "groupeddescending" was used but not registered. See http://aka.ms/fabric-icon-usage for more information.
> u @ spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> The icon "groupeddescending" was used but not registered. See http://aka.ms/fabric-icon-usage for more information.
> u @ spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> The icon "groupeddescending" was used but not registered. See http://aka.ms/fabric-icon-usage for more information.
> u @ spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> listview-host-assembly.js?uniqueId=ugJsT:646
> Warnung!Wenn Sie dieses Tool verwenden, setzt Sie dies potenziellen Sicherheitsbedrohungen aus, die dazu führen können, dass andere Zugriff auf Ihre persönlichen Office 365-Daten erhalten (Dokumente, E-Mails, Unterhaltungen und mehr). Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie der Person oder Organisation vertrauen, die Sie aufgefordert hat, auf dieses Tool zuzugreifen, bevor Sie fortfahren.Hier erfahren Sie mehr: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb794823.aspx
> spoapp.js?rev=IvZ48GpiF71WdoBcpaVXmg%3D%3DTAG0:2 STS _spLoaderCallback is called
> spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:2 Defined clientSidePlaceholders: DialogContainer,Top,Bottom
> spoapp.js?rev=IvZ48GpiF71WdoBcpaVXmg%3D%3DTAG0:82 Client-side host application loaded on SPO app
> spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> The icon "custom" was used but not registered. See http://aka.ms/fabric-icon-usage for more information.
> u @ spofiles.js?rev=8VbyxDXaQ668MyJIPhB5fQ%3D%3DTAG0:60
> splistdeferred.js?rev=F2rAfQGEAFxAAuR0Ex%2FUIQ%3D%3DTAG0:433 Finished loading extensions for all custom actions
> spformcommands.js:76 Error: No custom routing defined.
> at e.<anonymous> (spformcommands.js:76:50848)
> at spformcommands.js:76:45925
> at Object.next (spformcommands.js:76:46030)
> at spformcommands.js:76:44965
> at new Promise (<anonymous>)
> at spformcommands.js:76:44710
> at e._resolveCustomFunction (spformcommands.js:76:50741)
> at e.<anonymous> (spformcommands.js:76:48366)
> at spformcommands.js:76:45925
> at Object.next (spformcommands.js:76:46030)
> spformcommands.js:76 Error: No form sets found for this content type.
> at e.<anonymous> (spformcommands.js:76:49333)
> at spformcommands.js:76:45925
> at Object.next (spformcommands.js:76:46030)
> at spformcommands.js:76:44965
> at new Promise (<anonymous>)
> at spformcommands.js:76:44710
> at e._resolveFormSet (spformcommands.js:76:49203)
> at spformcommands.js:76:48449
> 1010.bdcb99640f93701ba88b.js:1
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
> AllItems.aspx:1
> Refused to execute script from 'https://taz.ipwin.ch/_layouts/15/plumsail/forms/widget/assets/js/1010.bdcb99640f93701ba88b.js' because its MIME type ('') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
> 9.1d19f37496ff99a4b279.js:1
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
> AllItems.aspx:1
> Refused to execute script from 'https://taz.ipwin.ch/_layouts/15/plumsail/forms/widget/assets/js/9.1d19f37496ff99a4b279.js' because its MIME type ('') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
> 895.c6c061d5a962331fc4aa.js:1
> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
> AllItems.aspx:1
> Refused to execute script from 'https://taz.ipwin.ch/_layouts/15/plumsail/forms/widget/assets/js/895.c6c061d5a962331fc4aa.js' because its MIME type ('') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.
This is the log of the console from the user where the controls dont appear.
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
Are you using SharePoint 2019/SE? Have you updated recently? Make sure you use the latest version of the server side package, app package in app catalog and editor - Update Plumsail Forms On-Premises solution — SharePoint forms
Please, ask affected users to open this link in the browser:
What's the result?
Also, please, ask to try opening the form in an anonymous session.
Hi Nikita
Yes we are using SharePoint SE.
I updated the server side package and the app catalog but there is still no positive result.
When opening the link this appears.
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
What's the version of the app package? What's the version of the editor?
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
Have your users tried to open the following page in the browser's Incognito mode?
Also, make sure the app package is globally deployed and shared with all sites.
Yes normal mode and incognito mode.
The App Package is deployed globally as well.
It works normally for most of the users but for some the controls just don't appear when opening the form.
Not even the buttons for close or save.
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
That's strange, we need to analyze it. For this, please, ask your users to open the Network tab in browser's dev tool, it will start a recording of all web requests, then open up a form, get this error in the log, then export the log as HAR file:
You can send it to support@plumsail.com We also need the same log from a user who can open a form normally, to compare the two recordings.
Hello Nikita
I mailed the Log files you requested some time ago.
Did you already get the chance to look at them?
Kind regards
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
We did receive the log files with_issue2Mar.har and without_issue.har - are they yours? Our dev team is currently researching them.
No these are the logs i sent you:
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
Okay, will check.
1 Like
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
Unfortunately, we didn't find it. Can you send it to me directly at n.kurguzov@plumsail.com?
How is it coming along with the error ?
i mailed you the files directly a couple days ago and i'm still waiting on some feedback.
Kind regards,
Dear @Dario_Chiga,
Yes, thank you! We've checked the log and it seems in the version that is not working an outdated version of files is requested - compare the messages below, there are different files:
The most likely cause is cache. Ask users to clear browser's cache or try anonymous session.