Not able to save form or items

Hi there,
All of a sudden i cannot resave the form (and the users cannot create items with it in a list), while resaving I am getting the following messages:

in the console:

we are using MS Edge if that is important and SP Online, obviously. What is this connected to?

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This is happening to us too in Australia. I was in the middle of a deployment and had hoped that updating the client may have helped with another issue I was having.

We have the same issue here. Thanks

Same Problem!

And one more, not possible to install APP do other PC

We are looking into the issue. I will let you know as soon as we hear back from the developers.

We've published a fix!

Please run the designer, the latest version will install automatically. Then try saving the form.

Please let us know if the issue persists


Thanks team, thats fixed !